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Stylized image of La Boutanche bottle

Boutanche Gamay: The Ultimate in Drinkability

10 or 15 years ago, nobody seemed to talk about Drinkability. Now it’s definitely a thing. What does it mean? Isn’t all wine drinkable?

Drinkable is like a Netflix series that demands binge-watching. You get to the end of an episode, and you can’t believe an hour’s already up. The cliffhanger compels you to start watching the next episode.

A drinkable wine is the same. Each sip is sheer pleasure. It compels you to take another one. You and your partner are shocked to discover that half the bottle is already gone.
What makes a wine Drinkable? Freshness. Fruitiness. Less alcohol. Balance. Those are the keys.

Fortunately, you can now find Drinkable wines from around the world, but there is still one region that can rightly claim to be the Champion of Drinkability: Beaujolais. Since long before the term was first used, the Beaujolais focused on producing fresh, fruity wines that are lower in alcohol and – when they are good – well balanced.

The Boutanche is a Beaujolais that is very self-consciously Drinkable. The image of the pig on the label draining his glass perhaps gives it away.
Francophones might also have guessed, as “Boutanche” is another French word for “glou glou” – that is, a wine that may be happily guzzled.

The fruit quality of the wine is outstanding, thanks to 90 year-old Gamay vines. The wines is made in an ultra-fresh style and no, or nearly no, sulfur is added. All of this ensures that there is no interference between the wine and your pleasure. The price helps too, especially when you consider that each bottle has 1 liter of wine instead of the usual 750ml (believe us, you’re going to want that extra third of a bottle!).

Olivier Minot La Boutanche Gamay 2022 (1L) $27.99


This story was originally featured in our newsletter, where it was offered at a special subscribers-only discount. Subscribers get special offers, the first look at new discoveries, invites to events, and stories about wines and the artisans that make them.