We know that so many of you have been asking about this, so we are happy to announce that we have finally worked out a virtual wine tasting with Tyson from Crowley Wines. There are some details below! Hope to see you onInstagramMonday, April 6 at 5pm EST, 2pm PST.
ROSSONOAH is fermented in steel tanks and then aged for 1 year in old Slavonian oak, to preserve freshness and fruit but also add a bit more complexity.
The result is a bright, juicy wine that is full of mountain herbs and savory minerals and has just the right amount of structure to enjoy with almost any food.
We've got another exciting week of tastings and offers lined up for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're looking for a glass, a bottle or want us to deliver you something tasty consider us your little oasis of calm.
The Ancient wine region of Valtellina doesn’t top travel lists. It doesn’t even top the list of Italian wine regions. But, given spectacular beauty and tremendous wine culture, we hope to see this change in the coming years.
Man, bad news seems to be everywhere these days but we've got the cure...MORE WINE! Please note, this is not a CDC approved treatment, but in our experience a bottle or two always does the trick in soothing the nerves. Our tastings and newsletter this week have exactly what the doctor ordered.
Madeira is a wine of history, made by mistake and crafted by circumstance. With the ability to last for hundreds of years, sometimes it is, quite literally, bottled history.
This is a wine story unlike any other. Fate and circumstance meeting up with dedication and tradition, just an hour outside of Italy’s most famous city. The nuns had been working for decades, unknown to the wine world. But Giampiero found them, created an authentic and dedicated relationship with the Sisters that has greatly impacted the wines.
The region rightfully claims the title “Birthplace of Wine.”And, as wine drinkers in the US become pickier and more educated, they areseeking out a wine’s history.Finally, history and tradition has become another decisive factor on whether to drink a certain wine (like place, producers, and most importantly--taste).
We hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Presidents Day off doing fun things. We're happy to see a lot of faces we normally see only once in awhile around the shop today. We've got plenty going on this week, both tasting and newsletter-wise, that should keep everyone coming back!
Terrior is fun for wine geeks to talk about. But it really comes down to this: Betrand’s careful attention is what makes his wine so singular and expressive. The very same vibrancy and life that is in the soil, comes through in the Champagne you drink. Isn’t that why we all drink wine in the first place?